Eve’s Apple

Ruth Simon is beautiful, smart, talented, and always hungry. As a teenager, she starved herself almost to death, and though outwardly healed, inwardly she remains dangerously obsessed with food. For Joseph Zimmerman, Ruth's tormented relationship with eating is a source of deep distress and erotic fascination. Driven by his love for Ruth, and haunted by his own secrets, Joseph sets out to unravel the mystery of hunger and denial. This gripping debut novel is a powerful exploration of appetite, love, and desire.

A seductive and satisfying novel that doesn’t let you go.”

             — Newsday


“Intention and desire, love’s chaos, sadness that cannot be extinguished – the emotional nuances that Rosen brings to Eve’s Apple are haunting.”

             — The New York Review of Books

“An absorbing, intelligent tale of love and the mysteriousness of the other.”

— The New York Times


“Crisp and glittering….a thinking person’s love story.”

            — Wall Street Journal